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Tips To Stay Focused

Unconquered State of Mind Performance (USM) • Apr 13, 2021

Tips by Alyson Stoner typed up with edits by USM

Tips to stay focused by Alyson Stoner      
Do you find it difficult to focus on one task?      
You will start one task and then get distracted by another?      
It will take hours of distraction before beginning the task?     
You just leave that important task and start another task? - USM     
Procrastination? - USM     
Sounds familiar? - USM      
Try using a technique Alyson Stoners mentor taught her:     
Create your own personalised questions that you ask      
every time a new task or opportunity comes up      
Before automatically saying yes, you first identify three to five     
that speak to your most critical values and goals and needs     
right now      
If the incoming request doesn’t pass the test…      
It's a NO!     
I personally struggle to say NO. Using this technique helps     
to prioritise tasks, complete your tasks before others     
put yourself first and avoid burnout! - USM     
So…How do you get started with this STOP GAPS technique? - USM     
Step 1: Open a tab on your preferred device or notepad     
Step 2: Write down 5 to 10 questions that suit you     
Step 3: Every time another task comes up, someone asks you for help     
or you start procrastinating, refer back to your questions!      
Questions that Alyson Stoner uses:      
1. Does this require more than three hours of time?      
2. Did I already say "yes" to three other side commitments this week?     
3. Is this eating up space that I need to use for      
building new skills or recharging?      
4. Did I wait a full day before I gave an answer?      
5. Does this pay significantly?      
6. If more ideal opportunities came through, would my answer change?      
7. Is saying "yes" merely putting off fear?      
e.g. fear of missing out, fear of scarcity, fear of losing money     
8. Does this enhance and progress my mission       
and the legacy I want to leave?      
9. Is this person or business draining more than replenishing?      
10. After all that information, why do I still feel the need to say "yes"..?     
Use these questions OR write your own!      
"Sometimes we HAVE TO say "yes" to tasks we don't feel like doing     
In those cases, I tap into the power of the Reframe"     
So… "how can I reframe this as an opportunity to walk in      
my deeper values and goals?"     
"This takes the edge off and help unpleasant thing's feel less draining."      
"Stay focused and protect your energy my friends"      


Blog's by Unconquered State of Mind Performance (USM)

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